
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Color code meetings and appointments on your Outlook Calendar using labels (2002/2003)

When you create an appointment or meeting request, you can choose to color code these events using labels. Using color is advantageous if, for example, you have both your work and personal items on one calendar. This way you're able to quickly view what you need to do for both work and home in a given day.

You might also label meetings that you've set up with your manager to set them apart on your calendar. To add a label to an event, create a new appointment or meeting, and then click on the Label dropdown menu. Here you can choose from several predetermined labels and colors. To change the title of one of the predefined labels, choose Edit | Label | Edit Labels from the menu bar when your Calendar is open. Double-click on the label name that you'd like to change, and then click OK to save the change. Labels reside on your machine only, so if you send a meeting request to someone else and you have labeled that meeting, the recipient will not see the label that you assigned.

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